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I am an international student from South Korea.I have been in Canada for two and a half years. I would like to make a lot of friends in college, and most importantly, I would like to perfectly adjust to a Canadian life very soon~.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

PUK Blocked???

While I was playing with my cell phone after a boring TOEFL reading practice, I got a scene that made me press PUK code.

Because I didn't know anything about PUK, I just pressed any number for more than 10 times.

After that, my cell-phone says "PUK Blocked" on the screen, and of course, I couldn't receive or make any calls and text messages.

When I got home, I searched about it on Google and people said that I have to get a new sim card;;

Until now, I can't communicate with anyone with my cell-phone.

If someone made a call or sent me any text messages, sorry for not receiving^^.

I just got mad at that I have to buy a new sim card; I hope I don't need to buy a new one because it costs $10 (it is pretty high amount of money for me..).

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